Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12, 2011

Today, we recieved the cast list for Peter Pan. Caity will be one of the Lost Boys. She's so excited! I picked this photo since this was an important annoucement today.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011

Today, the kids had a snow day. They were disappointed because they realize that this extends their school year. Tiger Lilly enjoy the snow day all curled up on Caity's bed. She looks like she didn't want to be bothered.

January 10, 2011

Finally getting Christmas put away.

January 9, 2011

Today, we played Wii Sports Resort as a family. Charlie and Pete were in a competion to get the highest score in Wakeboarding. Caity and I had no chance. We all had so much fun!

January 8, 2011

Charlie's first basketball game of this season. I chose a picture showing Charlie playing defense since he earned the "Best Defense" star at the end of the game. Way to go Charlie!

January 7, 2011

The last day of ballet observation week. I've decided to also include a short video of Caity's leaps.

January 6, 2011

Charlie is all ready for basketball practice in his new basketball shoes. He's proud of his size 8!

January 5, 2011

Another picture from ballet observation week. I could sit and watch Caity dance for hours. Her strength, focus, and flexibility is amazing!

January 4, 2011

Lego Time!!

January 3, 2011

January 3, 2011, began ballet observation week. Look at Caity's leap! I can't believe I caught her in the air.

January 2, 2011

January 2 was the last day before the kids went back to school. Charlie got in as much video game play as he could. He switch back and forth between the Wii and the Xbox 360. He loves his video games!

January 1

To begin 2011, I took a picture of Caity at the movie theater. On January 1, 2011, Caity and I went to see Disney's Tangled while the boys went to see Tron.

Posting Again!!!

I have decided to try to take a picture a day again for 2011. This will help me to record our day to day life for the kids as they continue to grow. I'm using Becky Higgins' Project Life to help me with this project.

Since all of our family is out town I have decided to post my daily pictures here. I've successfully taken a picture each day so far this year. I know that doesn't sound like much, but in our busy lives it is.

The pictures with the dates printed on the photo will go into my Project Life scrapbook. The others are to share with family and friends.